I want my daughter to keep on reading her books. I remind her how this is her chance to have a good life.
Judith, Malawi
“Rhoda doesn’t have to be blind to the world, like I am”
Hear how one mother is determined for her daughter to have a future different to her own.
Judith Unyolo is a mother from Malawi. Having struggled to gain an education, which she believes is the reason behind her family’s struggles, Judith is determined that her daughter will lead a life different from her own.
“My name is Judith Unyolo, I’m a mother and I live in Kanyera Village in Malawi. I dropped out of school in grade 4 because of financial problems. If I hadn’t dropped out, I would have had jobs. Even just a small job, but if you are receiving a salary at the end of the month, you are able to make budgets and improve lives. It also would bring peace because you are able to provide children with food and clothing and give them a brighter future.
Instead, we earn a living from irrigation farming and I do piecework so we don’t face hunger. My husband also does wood-carving artwork. When a customer asks him to make something, we get money to buy soap for the children.
We have four children, The eldest was born in 2005 and the youngest 2021. The nicest part of being a mum is teaching my children about life and when they make me a proud parent.

My second child, Rhoda is at school and it is going well. She is repeating grade 8 because she found it difficult to understand things, so she is going to see how she will perform again and I can see the difference with how she performed in the past. Her favourite subjects are English and mathematics – she wants to be a nurse as she says it touches her when she sees nurses helping patients at the hospital.
We want to work hard on the farm so that our ignorance isn’t passed on to our children. We have to help them with their education so they have a bright future. If they don’t go to school they will be like me.

At school, Rhoda’s teacher told her that she was chosen to borrow solar lights and books because she performs well in school. She has the opportunity to take books home and we have the chance to read. It improves our children’s comprehension and they understand the meaning of words.
The children have improved their performance since they started using the books and lights – this term they received better grades. I try and give Rhoda time to study while I do the household chores as I think it is important that she performs school tasks so she can become a nurse because it is what she really wants to do – Rhoda doesn’t have to be blind to the world like I am.
I want her to keep on reading her books. I remind her how this is her chance to have a good life.
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