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Donate today and share the power of books with people around the world.
You could support Lydia
Lydia’s father doesn’t want her to read. But her mum helps her sneak out – and thanks to people like you her local library is stocked with brand new books. But she needs more.
I have already read all the fiction in the library – there are not enough now! We need more so we can keep learning. For me, I am going to be a writer, so I must keep reading.
Lydia, Uganda

Find answers to some of our most common questions.
Who is going to receive the books?
Every book you send is likely to be read by dozens and maybe even hundreds of people. We work with partners in schools, communities, refugee camps, prisons and hospitals – and we always carefully select the books people need most. Find out where we work.
How is my money spent?
Publishers donate brand new books to us for free, and your donation helps cover the cost of selecting, packing and sending books worldwide to the places where they are needed most.
What types of books are sent?
We only send brand new, up-to-date books that are carefully selected for each community where we work. Over half are children’s books, but we send many different types of books – from fiction to healthcare texts to higher education study guides.
What is Gift Aid and how does it help?
If you are a UK taxpayer, through the Gift Aid scheme we can reclaim the tax on all donations you make. That means your gifts are worth up to 25% more – at no extra cost to you. It’s a brilliant way to share the power of books even more widely.
If you pay tax on your income, savings or pension, you qualify for Gift Aid. To donate with Gift Aid, simply tick the Gift Aid box on the online donation form.
If you’ve donated in the past and would like to add Gift Aid, it’s no problem. Contact us at and we’ll send you a quick form to complete.
How can I donate offline?
Just call us on 0207 733 3577 or send cheques, payable to Book Aid International, to 39-41 Coldharbour Lane, Camberwell, London SE5 9NR. Thank you for your kind support.
Need help with your donation?
We’d be happy to help you with your gift or discuss any questions you might have.
Please call (0)20 77 33 3577 or email