Home News Books to educate and inspire

Books to educate and inspire

Whenever possible, Cengage Group donates thousands of brand-new higher education and English Language Teaching books. As they put together the latest donation, Senior Marketing Manager, Jessica Edwards and Senior Development Editor, Dan Humm Soriano, told us about their involvement in this charity partnership. 

Jessica: Undoubtedly my love of reading – as is the case for so many of us working in publishing! On top of this, I’ve always enjoyed and felt drawn to education. After landing at Gale, I’ve remained grateful for the continued connection it has given me with the world of Higher Education, and the insight into all the fascinating ideas being discussed and researched by scholars around the world. 

Jessica: I wanted to support a book charity so that as many people as possible can enjoy the simple pleasure of reading – of exploring other worlds and perspectives through books. And because I’m aware of the opportunities that reading and education can unlock. At the same time, I’m aware that, working for a publisher, I can hopefully spot and enable opportunities for the donation of large numbers of brand-new books, thereby providing more assistance and support to the charity. 

Jessica:  This donation of 1,800 books includes wonderfully colourful and engaging National Geographic Learning titles that support and enable users to learn English, from books suitable for very young children, up to adult learners. 

Jess and Dan alongside other members of the ELT team who helped prepare the books for donation
Jess and Dan alongside other members of the ELT team who helped prepare the books for donation

Jessica: Go for it! If you see an opportunity to make a difference – to help people facing challenges that you could, in some way, help, absolutely pursue it. You’ll never regret having made a positive impact on the lives of others. 

We’d like to say a big thank you Jessica, Dan and their colleagues at Cengage Group for their continued support. The books they donate are changing lives around the world.

Photos (c) Cengage Group

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