How we select and send books
We’re here to help as many people as possible discover the power of books. So every year, we send over one million books to communities around the world – and you can help us send the next book. Here’s how it works:
Partners tell us which books communities need
We work with 166 partners around the world – from national library services to community groups that run mobile libraries for refugees. They tell us which books will help people build a more equal future, and we do everything in our power to provide the books they need.
Publishers donate brand-new books to us
Publishers, book sellers and authors donate hundreds of thousands of books to us every year. These brand-new books make our work possible – and help people worldwide dream bigger and discover the joy of reading. If you have new books to donate, we’d love to hear from you.
Find out about donating booksWe pack books for our partners
Every book donated to us is carefully catalogued. So when partners tell us which books will make the biggest impact where they are, it’s easy for us to find the perfect match. From medical textbooks to children’s fiction, we put together a bespoke book selection for every partner we work with.
See what books we provideWe ship books across the globe
We’ve sent millions of books worldwide, often to places where books are otherwise impossible to find. Helped by our incredible volunteers, our operations team packs books in the UK. They are then usually transported by sea before being trucked to our partners.
Volunteer for usOur partners get books to where they are needed
In the last stage of the journey, our partners catalogue each book and decide the best way to get books into people’s hands. Just like us, all of our partners are focused on getting books to the people who will benefit from them most – so really this is where each book’s story actually begins.
Find out where we workMore people discover the power of books
Our books end up in many different places – libraries, schools, refugee camps, hospitals, prisons and more. The potential they create is unlimited. Thanks to our supporters, we share the power of books – and people use that power to create a more equal future.
Find out how books give people power
Help send the next book
We receive no government grants and rely entirely on voluntary donations to keep sharing the power of reading worldwide. You can help us send the next book.
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