A world away…
Today, will you share the power of books and help open a door to a world away from troubles?
Help send the books that will give people hope.
Globally, every day more families arrive in refugee camps and in communities crowded with other people who’ve had to flee their homes. Often with only the clothes they’re wearing and the few possessions they’ve been able to carry.
Amidst the trauma, a book might well be the furthest thing from their minds.
But as days stretch into weeks, months and even years, the value of books can’t be overstated.
Having books has helped take my pupils out of their troubles and transport them to another world.
Nessrine, teacher at Tahaddi Education Centre, Lebanon

When your world collapses, books offer real hope of a better one.
Books can help grieving adults to rekindle their interests and hold on to who they are, as they work to survive, move forward and build new lives out of the ashes.
Books can give traumatised families moments of respite from the pain they’ve endured, or help them find solace in universal experiences and truths.
Books can help bewildered teenagers continue their education and start learning the new language they may need, if they’re to have a chance of fitting into a new culture and securing a future.
And books can help transport terrified children to a world away from trouble.

Will you give children a chance to imagine, dream and be children again?
Your gift could help send brand-new books to many schools and libraries in refugee camps and displaced communities and help transport children to places full of colour, creativity and joy.
Your kindness could give young people the crucial chance to keep reading and discovering, empowering them to reimagine their world and change their lives.
The need for books and libraries remains huge and growing. Right now, Book Aid International is working in thirteen countries that host millions of displaced or conflict-affected children and families.

“We don’t read just for school. We read for life.”
Simkasa, secondary school pupil, Dzaleka Refugee Camp, Malawi
Send the next book
Every £2 you give sends a brand-new book.
Image credits: Lebanon photos ©BookAidInternational/TSaade2004. Malawi photos ©BookAidInternational/TChikondi