These books have been a really great help to me and my fellow friends. I come to this library almost every day after knocking off from school, then I come again on Saturday. 

Tinotenda, reader, Bulawayo
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Learning something new

Libraries can be the only way many readers around the world access books, with materials being too expensive to buy at home and schools lacking funds. That’s why readers like Tinotenda value their local libraries so much. Read on for her take on their importance and more.

My name is Tinotenda Masotsha and I am 17 years old. I am a student at Maranatha Adventist High School, situated in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I’m doing my A Level Sciences; Physics, Maths, Statistics and Chemistry. I like physics mostly because of the topics found in the subject – I can apply them in my daily life. 

Tinotenda in her local library

These books have been a really great help to me and my fellow friends. I come to this library almost every day after knocking off from school, at around 2pm. Then I come again on Saturday. 

These books have relevant information which we can use in our lives. We have books on idioms and their origins and they really help us with idioms and improve our language. 

They say we learn something new every day. 

We have also got books like Kunjalo, written by local publishers. They’ve got interesting information in, too. These books have helped me a lot, I have gained more information and have got more knowledge since they arrived.

I usually come to the library and read more and more books and information, non-academic books too, like books for fashion designing, personal management and hygiene, and food and nutrition books.

If the library didn’t have these books, maybe I could access some at school, but the disadvantage is that at school there are just not enough books to cater for everyone. This library has helped me a lot because I can find two, three or four books of the same available!

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